Monday, August 18, 2008

It is what it is?

I had always believed that it is where you end not where you start.Man does know very little about his origin & the reasons behind it.Was it mere chance which has made man the ruler of the Earth or was it some divine gift to us, we’ll never know.But one thing we know is that what we are doing with ourselves and I don’t think we are right.We are ignoring the evident signs nature is giving us,we doubt whether she is true.We will have to pay with our lives for this error of judgment & the irony of the whole thing is that we are ourselves  responsible for it.
Is it mere coincidence that we have been able to dominate Earth like no other living being on this planet ever had? Why are we misguiding ourselves.If it was a coincidence then why couldn’t this coincidence happen to anyone else in this huge universe.I don’t believe that in this huge universe there can’t be any other species which would have been meted the same treatment as we have been meted.So you can say that aliens or extraterrestrials exist.There is no illusion in my mind that aliens exist.Although there is very little probability of finding them in our solar system I am sure we would be able to find them very close to our celestial home.As for the question of Why aren’t they contacting us,I have two answers-either they are less developed than us and aren’t able to do that now or that they are wary of us seeing the destruction we have caused and are planning an attack on us.
So it is better instead of searching for them we prepare for the great fight of civilizations unless we know that we won’t survive till then.

A failure again

Sadness engulfs my life not just surrounds it.I always beleive that there are some moments of your life you look back and say that those were the best in your life ones which you could never forget.
I don't remember any such moments and if there are ,they have always been short-lived.
After clearing my Sem-II Kt's the least I would have expected is another KT in the second Semester. But not only did I failed to get a first class in my First Semester I also got two KT's in my Second Semester. Now that many will call a roller-coaster life but for me it is a pain which I feel everyday. People cry and people die but the world goes by. Slipping into oblivion is hard but saddening my parents is harder. Dark is my life forever.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Demosthenes' comeback-

An orator of Athens said to Demosthenes, "The Athenians will kill you if they are in a rage." Demosthenes replied, "And they will kill you if they are in the right mind."

Friday, August 1, 2008

Great Chinese proverbs

We regard Chinese only for their efficiency in churning out everything at the cheapest rate but the truth is that apart from this their ancient wisdom is something which must be regarded very highly.
Here are some of their proverbs which I deemed admirable-
*Kill one to warn a hundred. 
*To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.
*Small men think they are small; great men never know they are great. 
*The great question is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with failure.
*Talk does not cook rice.
*Flies never get into an egg that has no crack. 
*Just as tall trees are known by their shadows, so can good men be known by their enemies.
*Those who do not study are only cattle dressed up in men's clothes.
*Man with one chopstick go hungry.
*War does not determine who is right, war determine who is left.