Sunday, October 19, 2008

Here are 3 weird facts about Windows:-

1. Nobody can create a folder named Con.

Try to create anywhere on your hard disk a folder called "Con" (without the quotes). Go to a location on your hard disk, right click, choose "New" and then select "Folder" from the menu that appears. Name the folder "Con" (without quotes) and hit Enter. You’ll see that the folder won’t be named "Con". It will be "New folder".

2. A text file made with Notepad, with the following content : "Bush hid the facts" (without quotes) won’t display the actual text.Write in Notepad the following text : "Bush hid the facts" (without quotes) then Save the file and exit Notepad. Now go to the text file you created and open it. You’ll see that the text you just wrote and save won’t show.

3.Open Microsoft Word and on the first line write : "=rand(200,99)" (without the quotes) and hit Enter key. You'll see 156 pages filled with the same line.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How foolish can people become?

Well here is a site which claims to answer questions of atheists and purify them by removing all their sins (which they have committed by refusing to believe in God) while they have given any link for anyone to comment on any of their posts directly.Everything has to be emailed to them. This shows that they are scared and afraid to make the process transparent. Why can't they allow questions directly?
There are million of atheist blogs shouting Where is god? Who is god? and giving their opinions about him but there is no logical answer to them. Will they ever take the challenge ? We already know the answer.

This site claims that since atheists do not believe in God,they do not have absolute moral values. They give an example and say that if a person believes in god he wouldn't kill an unborn baby,but if he doesn't believe in God there is nothing to stop them.Looks like they have never heard of something called morals,conscience and character of a person.No sensible person leave alone an atheist can think of killing anyone leave alone an unborn child.But who can blame them since they do not think logically at all(If you haven't already read a post on this on my other blog 

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Quotes

I know you'll must be tired of quotes but here are some of my favourite two-
1)Everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.
2)All fools think alike but geniuses may not.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Favourite Quote from Kung-Fu Panda

One often meets his fate on the road he takes to avoid it.