Sunday, April 7, 2019

Prayer for Humanity

Men have been killed because of one reason or another throughout the ages. Disease counted for a major chunk in the earlier ages with war not behind.

Although we have learnt to defeat disease, war remains an immortal enemy for now.

It still exists because there is still hatred in the hearts and ignorance in the minds of men. The thoughts of superiority of religion, nation, race, culture, language,intellect, gender, social strata still keeps us divided.

Since disease was defeated by Science, I look towards it for solution to this problem as well. I can't but be afraid of how long we are to be pestered by it.

As the race for the survival of this planet and Earthlings nears its perilous end and we come up with ingenious solutions for it (I am looking at you Elon Musk), I pray and hope that we leave all these differences and thoughts behind and unite together for survival as nothing unites as a common ambition.

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